Hartlepool Reloved Clothing
A free clothing service based on a recycling scheme.
Get to Know Us

Welcome to the ONLY fully inclusive clothing bank in Hartlepool.
HI 🖐🖐
we're Natalie and Rachael. Two mums from Hartlepool.
We set this clothing bank originally as a school uniform service. We had spare from our own children which were outgrown but we're still in good condition and could be worn by someone else.
We wondered if others were in the same position!
The response was massive and we were inundated with people's generosity and kindness.
We have helped over 600 Hartlepool families 👪
We wanted to do better !
Charity shops are becoming expensive and not everyone can afford to buy new clothes.
Some people are having to choose between heating their homes or putting food on the table never mind the added pressure of uniforms.
We are pleased to announce
Hartlepool ReLoved Clothing is here now for ALL CLOTHING !
We aim to welcome you in, no referral, no questions and forms.
The idea:
A free clothing service based on a recycling scheme.
You bring clothes you don't want, need, outgrown etc in good, clean condition and you take new clothes you need.
It's that simple!
A fully self replenishing scheme.
We can hoard so many clothes that we will never wear again. Come and bring some items with you into our scheme and take new clothes for free!
We don't want to" set rules" but, there are a few stipulations to bear in mind to keep this a well run, stocked and fair project:
*It is not necessary to bring items of clothing if you have none to donate to receive new clothing from us. However, we depend solely on donations to keep our stock replenished so we're possible donations are gratefully accepted.
There is to be no taking and then re-selling items. Although this can be difficult to check, If we do find this is happening with certain individuals we reserve the right to refuse service. This would be an abuse of this much needed project and we have a no tolerance policy to this unfairness.
*if something doesn't fit/suit, please feel free to re donate and swap for other items.
*please only take what you NEED. If you are in extenuating circumstances and need a lot of clothing for your family, please speak to one of us. We can help and out out a post for specific things.
*please do not shop for EVERYONE you know! Were possible spread the word and encourage people to come and browse rather then taking lots and lots of stock "just in case" for others. We do appreciate not everyone can physically come down for a multitude of reasons but we also find others in need miss out when physically searching for much needed clothing.
ATTENTION: we are a not for profit organisation, set up by a couple of mums, who are desperate to help people...We DO NOT charge a single penny for our time/services/any item of clothing nor do we get paid or receive funding for any services provided.
Please feel free to come and browse 😊