Wellbeing & Mental Health
This is a priority area for Hartlepool Sport, especially after 2 years of Covid-19.

NHS Community Transformation
"Community transformation aims to dramatically change the way in which people are supported by mental health services, by service users, NHS mental health services, voluntary and community sector and local authority working together to design, simplify and personalise the journey of those who need support."
The PFC Trust are part of a proactive working group that works to support this transformation and is feeding back to the Health & Wellbeing Alliance and other partners regularly.
There are three elected 3 representatives for the voluntary sector, they are:
Iain Caldwell (Let's Connect) - iaincaldwell@letsconnect-eng.co.uk
Carl Jorgeson (PFC Trust/Hartlepool Sport) - hartlepoolsport@yahoo.com
Trevor Sherwood (LilyAnne's) - trevor@lilyannes.co.uk
The PFC Trust also manages and facilitates the Hartlepool funding allocation for this project. The Trust convenes and facilitate decision panels and distribute the funding across the town on behalf of the NHS. Please visit The PFC Trust website for more information. The trust have also commissioned Hartlepower Community Development team (Julian Penton & Juli Simons) as Coordinators for this work.
Please contact any of the above reps if you would like any further information or would like to get involved in, or feed into any of the groups mentioned.

Sport Wellbeing
The Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust, Hartlepool Borough Council and Hartlepool Sport funded a pilot sport wellbeing project. This allows clubs and providers to access a whole host of free training courses, workshops and resources to ensure they are 'Trauma Informed' and are best placed to support their coaches, staff and volunteers, parents and players as we come out of the pandemic.
A local blogger recently attended one of our specially designed Well-being First Responder workshops and wrote all about it. The workshop was delivered by Let's Connect CEO Iain Caldwell and safeguarding expert Ronnie Bage.
"30 years ago there was no such thing as mental health... or depression"
Take a look at the blog post here
Ronnie Bage has also dropped by some Easter Holiday Activity sessions this week, seen above at Hartlepool Wadokai's Easter camp (and is attending some more too).
"Ronnie was absolutely brilliant with the kids! - he made a well-being talk so fun, interactive and engaging for all ages"
- Lynne, Chief Instructor
A whole host of well-being resources and training is available completely free of charge to clubs and providers, and all can be tailored to fit groups. Sessions can be delivered exclusively to clubs, or alongside other clubs too. Contact us to discuss your requirements or to learn more about the project.
If you would like Ronnie to come along to your Holiday Activity Session then please contact him here
Young People's
Social Prescribing

There are 10 Hartlepool & Stockton Health social prescribing link workers across Hartlepool & Stockton, these are based in GP surgeries and they connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
Hartlepool is also fortunate to have its own Young Person's Social Prescribing Link Worker team. Amelia Turner is a Full Time employee of The PFC Trust (the parent charity of Hartlepool Sport), Mel Brown is a Part Time employee of West View Project, both are based within Hartlepool Borough Council's Youth Service. Dawn Robinson works Part Time for Hartlepower, and her role is to capacity build settings to received Social Prescriptions and to resource gaps in the local area that have been identified by young people.
The roles are also supervised by a steering group made up of reps from Hartlepool & Stockton Health, the HBC Youth Service, Hartlepower, PFC Trust, West View Project, The Haven and Changing Futures NE making it quite a unique - but highly effective and well-connected post.
Amelia works with young people 11-18 years (up to 25yrs for SEN) to build their confidence and navigate into groups and activities.
Amelia can be contacted directly on 07478 134950 or amelia.turner@hartlepool.gov.uk.
Mel can be contacted directly melanie.brown2@hartlepool.gov.uk
Dawn can be contacted directly DawnRobinson@hartlepower.co.uk
Social prescribing works for a wide range of people, including people:
with one or more long-term conditions
who need support with their mental health
who are lonely or isolated
who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
When social prescribing works well, people can be easily referred to link workers from a wide range of local agencies, including general practice, pharmacies, multi-disciplinary teams, hospital discharge teams, allied health professionals, fire service, police, job centres, social care services, housing associations and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations. Self-referral is also encouraged.
More comprehensive information on Social Prescribing can be found here.
Referral Ready Organisations
The Social Prescribing model is here to stay so we are keen to support local sports clubs and providers to be 'referral ready', to continue to play our part in the local health and wellbeing landscape.
We can offer free support and training around safeguarding policies and procedures, best practise and CPD courses around (for example) Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs), County Lines, long term health conditions and being Trauma Informed.
Email us at hartlepoolsport@yahoo.com and we can arrange an informal club visit or grab a coffee and chat about your club/group's specific needs.
Health & Wellbeing Alliance
Health & Wellbeing Board

There is a thriving Hartlepool Health & Well-being alliance made up of VCSE and statutory service representatives that is meeting regularly to share developments, ideas and learning around all things health and well-being.
The voluntary sector has several representatives on the Hartlepool Borough Council Health & Well-being Board and this alliance group feeds in to that forum, as well as the newly formed Community Transformation working group and all recent Hartlepool Borough Council and TEWV funded Mental Health & Wellbeing projects.
Ruth Jackson is chair of this group and can be contacted here should you require any further information.
The H&WB Board has several elected VCS reps, they are:
Carl Jorgeson (PFC Trust/Hartlepool Sport) - hartlepoolsport@yahoo.com
Christine Fewster (Hartlepool Carers) - christine.fewster@hartlepoolcarers.org.uk
- Seconded by Iain Caldwell (Let's Connect) - iaincaldwell@letsconnect-eng.co.uk
Please contact Ruth, or any of the above reps if you would like any further information or would like to get involved in, or feed into any of the groups mentioned.

Health & Hygiene Project
This is a good example of some of the responsive work we are involved with.
We recently provided a small amount of funding for our friends at West View Project, and support from our Safeguarding and Wellbeing Lead Ronnie, to deliver some workshops with Young People to focus on mental health and how feeling clean can make you feel better all round. The funding will cover the session delivery and some hygiene packs for the young people to take away.